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Binary Heap


What is the run-time algorithmic complexity of calling heapifyDown on every non-leaf node in a complete tree of n nodes?

The run-time of calling heapifyDown on a node is proportional to the height of the node. About half of the nodes are leaf nodes, about a quarter have height 1, about an eighth have height 2, about a sixteenth have height 3, and so on. This summation of heights converges to n, the number of nodes in the tree. Hence running heapifyDown on every non-leaf node has a run-time complexity of .

Priority Queue

template<typename T, typename _Compare = less<T>>
class PriorityQueue {
using _Sequence = vector<T>;

_Sequence c;
_Compare comp;


* Similar to the textbook `heapifyDown` operation.
void _adjust_heap(const size_t first, size_t hole_index, const size_t len, const T value) {
size_t second_child = hole_index;

// This while loop goes down through nodes with two children
while (second_child < (len - 1) / 2) {
second_child = 2 * (second_child + 1);
if (comp(c[first + second_child], c[first + second_child - 1])) --second_child;
if (comp(c[first + second_child], value)) goto done;
c[first + hole_index] = c[first + second_child];
hole_index = second_child;

// This case checks if we ended up on a node with only one (left) child
// and that can happen only if there are even number of nodes.
if ((len & 1) == 0 && second_child == (len - 2) / 2) {
second_child = 2 * second_child + 1;
if (comp(c[first + second_child], value)) goto done;
c[first + hole_index] = c[first + second_child];
hole_index = second_child;

c[first + hole_index] = value;

* @brief: Similar to std::make_heap
* @param: Can add a `comp` parameter of type `_Compare` to pass the comparator.
* This might make the function more similar to `std::make_heap`
void _make_heap(size_t first, size_t last) {
size_t len = last - first;
if (len < 2) return;

/** Note that approx. last half of nodes in heap are leaf nodes.
* The following parent value denotes the index of highest non-leaf node
* in (random-access) container `c`.
auto parent = (len / 2) - 1;

while (true) {
auto value = c[first + parent];
_adjust_heap(first, parent, len, value);
if (parent == 0) break;

* @brief: Sometimes referred to as `heapifyUp`
* This is similar to `std::push_heap`
* @param: Can add a `comp` parameter of type `_Compare` to pass the comparator.
* This might make the function more similar to `std::push_heap`
void _push_heap(size_t first, size_t last) {
auto value = c[last - 1];
size_t len = last - first;
size_t hole_index = len - 1;
size_t parent = (hole_index - 1) / 2;
while (hole_index > 0 && comp(c[first + parent], value)) {
c[first + hole_index] = c[first + parent];
hole_index = parent;
parent = (hole_index - 1) / 2;
c[first + hole_index] = value;

* @brief: Its just a swap of values and heapifyDown.
* This is similar to std::pop_heap
* @param: Can add a `comp` parameter of type `_Compare` to pass the comparator.
* This might make the function more similar to `std::pop_heap`
void _pop_heap(size_t first, size_t last) {
size_t len = last - first;
if (len < 2) return;
--last; --len;
auto value = c[last];
c[last] = c[first]; // This is not necessary. Just ensures the discarded value is at end of tree / containter.
_adjust_heap(first, 0, len, value);

PriorityQueue() {}
PriorityQueue(const _Sequence& __s) : c(__s) { _make_heap(0, c.size()); }
PriorityQueue(_Sequence&& __s) : c(std::move(__s)) { _make_heap(0, c.size()); }

bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return c.size(); }
const T& top() const { return c.front(); }

void push(const T& __x) {
_push_heap(0, c.size());
void push(T&& __x) {
_push_heap(0, c.size());
void pop() {
_pop_heap(0, c.size());

Priority Queue with Updates

template<typename T, typename _Compare = less<pair<T, int32_t>>>
class PriorityQueue {
using Node = pair<T, int32_t>;

int32_t n = 0;
std::vector<Node> c;
std::vector<int32_t> p; // p maps an id of node to the node's index in c
_Compare comp;

void _assign_node(size_t index, const Node& value) {
c[index] = std::move(value);
p[c[index].second] = index;

void _sift_up(size_t hole_index) {
if (n <= 1) return;
auto value = std::move(c[hole_index]);
size_t parent = (hole_index - 1) / 2;
while (hole_index > 0 && comp(c[parent], value)) {
_assign_node(hole_index, c[parent]);
hole_index = parent;
parent = (hole_index - 1) / 2;
_assign_node(hole_index, value);

void _sift_down(size_t hole_index) {
if (n <= 1) return;
auto value = std::move(c[hole_index]);
size_t second_child = hole_index;
while (second_child < n / 2) {
second_child = 2 * (second_child + 1);
if (second_child >= n || comp(c[second_child], c[second_child - 1])) --second_child;
if (comp(c[second_child], value)) break;
_assign_node(hole_index, c[second_child]);
hole_index = second_child;
_assign_node(hole_index, value);

void _make_heap() {
if (n < 2) return;
auto parent = (n / 2) - 1;
while (true) {
if (parent == 0) break;

void _pop_heap(size_t pos) {
if (pos >= n) return; --n;
c[pos] = std::move(c[n]);

void _adjust_heap(size_t pos) {
auto parent = (pos - 1) / 2;
if (pos > 0 && comp(c[parent], c[pos])) _sift_up(pos);
else _sift_down(pos);

PriorityQueue() {}
PriorityQueue(const std::vector<T>& __s) { for (const auto &x : __s) { c.emplace_back(x, n); p.push_back(n++); } _make_heap(); }
PriorityQueue(std::vector<T>&& __s) { for (const auto &x : __s) { c.emplace_back(std::move(x), n); p.push_back(n++); } _make_heap(); }

bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return n; }
const T& top() const { return c.front().first; }

int32_t push(const T& __x) { c.emplace_back(__x, n); p.push_back(n); _sift_up(n); return n++; }
int32_t push(T&& __x) { c.emplace_back(std::move(__x), n); p.push_back(n); _sift_up(n); return n++; }
void pop() { _pop_heap(0); }
void pop(size_t id) { _pop_heap(p[id]); }
void update(size_t id, const T& __x) { int pos = p[id]; c[pos].first = __x; _adjust_heap(pos); }
void update(size_t id, T&& __x) { int pos = p[id]; c[pos].first = std::move(__x); _adjust_heap(pos); }

Example Usage

inline void solve() {
PriorityQueue<int> pq;

int x = pq.push(1);
pq.update(x, -10);

while (!pq.empty()) {
cout << << '\n';