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docker create [IMAGE] # Creates a container with image

docker start [CONTAINER ID]
docker start -a [IMAGE] # for our purpose for now, -a to show output on console

docker run [IMAGE] # Creates a container with image, and starts it

docker ps --all # List containers

docker system prune

docker logs [CONTAINER ID]

docker stop [CONTAINER ID] # Sends SIGTERM to process in container. If container doesn't stop in 10 seconds, docker sends a KILL signal.
docker kill [CONTAINER ID] # Sends SIGKILL to process in container

docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID] [COMMAND] # Execute an additional command in a container
docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID] sh # Specific example very useful in real life, opens up a shell

docker run -it [CONTAINER ID] sh

Dockerfile - Creating Images

FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update redis
CMD ["redis-server"]
docker build . # from directory containing dockerfile