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Suffix Automaton

Code (Algorithm - Blumer et al.)


C++ | String::SuffixAutomaton
namespace String {
class SuffixAutomaton {
int last; // node index conrresponding to 'whole string' seen until now
std::vector<int> len; // length of longest string of node
std::vector<int> link; // suffix link of node
std::vector<std::unordered_map<char, int>> t; // transitions of node

SuffixAutomaton() {
last = 0; len.resize(1, 0); link.resize(1, -1); t.resize(1);

SuffixAutomaton(std::string s) : SuffixAutomaton() {
std::for_each(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), std::bind(&SuffixAutomaton::add_char, this, std::placeholders::_1));

void add_char(const char& c) {
int p = last, q;
last = len.size(); len.emplace_back(len[p] + 1); link.emplace_back(0); t.emplace_back();

while (1) {
auto& ed = t[p]; auto it = ed.find(c); if (it != ed.end()) { q = it->second; break; }
ed[c] = last; p = link[p]; if (p == -1) return;

if (len[q] == len[p] + 1) { link[last] = q; return; }

int qq = len.size(); len.emplace_back(len[p] + 1); link.emplace_back(link[q]); t.emplace_back(t[q]);
link[q] = link[last] = qq;

while (1) {
auto& r = t[p][c]; if (r != q) return; r = qq;
p = link[p]; if (p == -1) return;


Kotlin | SuffixAutomaton
class SuffixAutomaton(string: String) {
class SuffixAutomatonNode(
var longestLength: Int, var suffixLink: Int, var transition: MutableMap<Char, Int> = mutableMapOf()

var nodes = mutableListOf(SuffixAutomatonNode(1, -1))
var endNode = 0

init {
string.forEach { addCharacter(it) }

private fun addCharacter(char: Char) {
tailrec fun traceBack(currentNode: Int, transitionNode: Int?): Pair<Int, Int>? {
if (currentNode == -1) return null
return when (val nextNode = nodes[currentNode].transition[char]) {
transitionNode -> {
nodes[currentNode].transition[char] = nodes.lastIndex
traceBack(nodes[currentNode].suffixLink, transitionNode)
else -> currentNode to (nextNode ?: -1)

val previousEndNode = endNode
nodes[previousEndNode].longestLength + 1, 0
endNode = nodes.lastIndex
val (currentNode, nextNode) = traceBack(previousEndNode, null) ?: return

if (nodes[nextNode].longestLength == nodes[currentNode].longestLength + 1) {
nodes[endNode].suffixLink = nextNode

nodes[currentNode].longestLength + 1, nodes[nextNode].suffixLink, nodes[nextNode].transition
nodes[nextNode].suffixLink = nodes.lastIndex
nodes[endNode].suffixLink = nodes.lastIndex
traceBack(currentNode, nextNode)