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Bridges + Articulation Points


  • A walk is a finite or infinite sequence of edges which joins a sequence of vertices. A finite walk is a sequence of edges for which there is a sequence of vertices such that for . is the vertex sequence of the walk. This walk is closed if , and open else. An infinite walk is a sequence of edges of the same type described here, but with no first or last vertex, and a semi-infinite walk (or ray) has a first vertex but no last vertex.

  • A trail is a walk in which all edges are distinct.

  • A path is a walk (and a trail) in which all vertices (and therefore also all edges) are distinct.

Define a binary relation on the vertices of an undirected graph, in which two vertices e and f are related if and only if either e = f or the graph contains two distinct paths between e and f. This will be an equivalence relation. So, we have a partition of graph's vertices into some equivalence classes. We can condense these components into single vertices and the resulting graph will be a tree. The edges of this tree are essentially the complete set of bridges in the original undirected graph.

DFS to find all Bridges

const int N = 1'000'005;
vector<int> g[N];
stack<int> v;
stack<pair<int, int>> e;
int in[N], up[N], TIME = 0;

void dfs(int u, int p = -1) {
in[u] = ++TIME;
up[u] = in[u];

int c = 0;
bool ap = false;

for (auto& v : g[u]) {
if (v == p) continue;
e.push({v, u});
if (in[v]) {
up[u] = min(up[u], in[v]);
} else {
dfs(v, u);
up[u] = min(up[u], up[v]);


if (up[v] >= in[v]) {
ap = true;

set<pair<int, int>> comp;
while (true) {
auto x =; e.pop();
if (x.first == v && x.second == u) break;
// comp now contains the equivalence class defined in case of edges containing v <-> u

if (p != -1 && up[u] > in[p]) {
// p <-> v is a bridge of the undirected graph

set<int> comp;
while (true) {
int x =; v.pop();
if (x == u) break;
// comp now contains the equivalence class deifned in case of vertices containing u.

if (ap || (p == -1 && (c > 0))) {
// u is an articulation point

Biconnected component (2-connected component)

Define a binary relation on the edges of an undirected graph, in which two edges e and f are related if and only if either e = f or the graph contains a simple cycle through both e and f. It is an equivalence relation (showing it is transtive is little less obvious). So, it can be used to partition the edges into equivalence classes. The subgraphs formed by the edges in each equivalence class are the biconnected components of the given graph.