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Forward List / Singly Linked List

  • Sentinel node at head initially.
  • _tail variable maintained, to enable the function push_back to be implemented. This helps to realize the Queue ADT. Note that the Stack ADT doesn't need this push_back since push_front and pop_front are sufficient for it.


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* INFO: Singly Linked List with Tail
* -> Maintaining a `_tail` pointer helps to realize`push_back()`, thus
* enabling to implement Queue ADT
* -> One single sentinel node is used for head.
* -> _tail->next == nullptr
* -> _head always points to it's sentinel node.
template<typename T>
class ForwardListWithTail {
class Node {
Node* _next = nullptr;
T _value;
Node() {}
explicit Node(const T& __val): _value(__val) {}
explicit Node(T&& __val): _value(__val) {}

Node* _head = nullptr;
Node* _tail = nullptr;
size_t _size = 0;

ForwardListWithTail() { _head = _tail = new Node; }
~ForwardListWithTail() {
while (_head) {
auto next = _head->_next;
delete _head;
_head = next;

bool empty() const noexcept { return _head->_next == nullptr; }
size_t size() const noexcept { return _size; }
T& front() { return _head->_next->_value; }

Node* before_begin() noexcept { return _head; }
Node* begin() noexcept { return _head->_next; }
Node* before_end() noexcept { return _tail; }
Node* end() noexcept { return nullptr; }

void push_front(const T& __val) { insert_after(before_begin(), __val); }
void push_front(T&& __val) { push_front(std::move(__val)); }
void push_back(const T& __val) { insert_after(before_end(), __val); }
void push_back(T&& __val) { push_back(std::move(__val)); }
void pop_front() { erase_after(before_begin()); }

Node* insert_after(Node* __pos, const T& __val) {
auto new_node = new Node(__val);
new_node->_next = __pos->_next;
if (_tail == __pos) _tail = new_node;
return __pos->_next = new_node;

Node* insert_after(Node* __pos, T&& __val) {
insert_after(__pos, std::move(__val));

Node* erase_after(Node* __pos) {
auto curr = __pos->_next;
__pos->_next = curr->_next;
if (_tail == curr) _tail = __pos;
delete curr;
return __pos->_next;

/** VERIFY: Pending verification */
// Node* erase_after(Node* __pos, Node* __last) {
// auto __curr = __pos->_next;
// while (__curr != __last) {
// auto __temp = __curr;
// __curr = __curr->next;
// delete __temp;
// --_size;
// }
// return __pos->_next = __last;
// }

Node* at(int __index) {
auto node = _head;
for (++__index; __index > 0; --__index) node = node->_next;
return node;