Install zsh

yay -S zsh

Then run zsh command in shell to trigger zsh-newuser-install first time. Configure zsh.

Install antidote

yay -S zsh-antidote

Add ~/.zsh_plugins.txt



yay -S starship

Adding the following at end of ~.zshrc

eval "$(starship init zsh)"

Configure starship using nerd font preset

starship preset nerd-font-symbols -o ~/.config/starship.toml

We need a nerd font for this, so use Noto nerd font,

yay -S ttf-noto-nerd

Now to use this font, in Plasma system settings, go to Font settings and set fixed width font as NotoSansM Nerd Font Mono with font style as Regular (or as per preference)

Konsole configuration

In Konsole, create a new profile named vamsi and set it as default. In edit profile popup, set Command to /bin/zsh to use zsh shell.

Also in appearance section, set the Konsole theme using Get New... and search for Nordic Konsole and apply that theme.